Poetry / To The Market

Fresh picked goodness

Plucked from the farmer’s market

Tastes like honey crisp apples

And the snap of fresh celery

Crinkled eyes

Hidden smiles

That can’t be fully hidden by masks

A silent exchange

A muffled laugh

A small interaction

Brief but still meaningful

To get us both through the day

At home there are folders and folders

Of screenshots piled up on my desktop

It’s a constant battle

To balance order and chaos

But I have a stockpile smiles from the market

Poetry / Knowing

Love who you love without hesitation
What could go wrong if you fail
What could go right if you leap
People ask “What’s your back up plan if this fails?”
But what’s my plan if this succeeds?
And I don’t know
I can’t picture us clearly
Old and wiser for the seasons we could weather together
In the silent moments
Between my alarm ringing at 5.45am and 6.00am
I let myself dream
Of all the things I want to manifest
Of all the things you and I could be
Knowing there’s only so much energy I can give each day
Knowing that ultimately the places we want to end up are not the same
Knowing that I’ll need to forgive myself for choosing
To let some things go
To let some people go
To let you go
Knowing it’s not our time

Poetry / Tea Time

I keep forgetting I’ve made myself another mug of tea
Distracted staring out a window
Instead of staring into the depths of my screen
Mind blank, smile dropping as soon as I hit “leave” on another Zoom meeting
I let my eyes register in 3-D instead of rendering real-time shifting pixels in 2-D
The sound of the timer can’t penetrate the back-to-back Google Hangouts haze
The steam from my tea curls through the morning chill
On the rough edge of my desk
Silent as it grows cold
Outside, it’s been raining
And I don’t know what time it is
I watch some birds fly free
Letting the wind carry them onwards and upwards as the rain falls
And I just want to step off my roof and follow

Spoken Word / Wash Cycle

The medium spin cycle on the washer goes so fast I can only make out colorful blurs

And is a good representation of the anxiety I feel whirling around inside

As I wash away the last bits of a life that feels like it was a dream

One that ended in a constant struggle to wake people up to the need to evacuate the country

Even though none of us have a place to call home because we’re always on the move

One that ended with my partner and I pleading for our friends to go somewhere, anywhere else

To think beyond ourselves

To take things seriously

To think of our families, and of strangers’ families

One that ended in my best friend pleading with me to go and stay safe

Instead of listening to the urge to stay and try to fix and fix and fix

Instead of watching my people go to the supermarket to stock up

And only come back with 7 bottles of wine

Reminding me it’s not my responsibility to tell them how to live their lives

Reminding me I can’t tell others how to react when we’re in the midst of a global crisis they don’t want to wake up to

The timer on the washer has been stuck at 7 minutes left for what feels like 7 weeks

And I’m tethered here

With nothing left to do

But write another poem

Leaning on the wall opposite this machine

Feeling the ground beneath me tremble

Spoken Word / A Quiet Place

One day, I’ll look back and unpause these moments
A slower pace of life
Quieter than I’m comfortable with
Tense anticipation, body primed for fight or flight mode and itching to leap
But there’s nowhere left to run to
And it’s “safer” to stay put
Under a roof I swore I’d never let myself be caged under again
But this time, this time I’m different
The shadows here are now strangers
An echo of a dark past I refuse to carry with me any further
I have more than enough baggage to check without carrying on familial duty out of obligation
And the SF fog and cold that seeps between the joints in my stiff fingers
Is somehow manageable instead of painfully blinding
And the suffocating pressure to be shiny and perfect and golden in a spotless trophy case that’s falling apart
Pales in comparison to the warmth of what I know familial love should be like
The energy from the places I do call home has burned itself into my lungs,
Making me think Purpose
Looks like jaywalking with confidence, fearless of oncoming traffic in NYC because we’re laughing arms slung around each other—
Looks like getting caught in the pouring rain on a rooftop as lilac thunder, clouds, and lighting barrel across a molten sky in Austin, as we are dancing together—
Looks like feet dangling and wind rushing, ground tilting over and over, spiraling higher and higher and higher, flowing wherever the wind carries us, paragliding over Medellín—
Making me think Love
Looks like hug I don’t feel like pulling away from because I know I’m somewhere safe—
Looks like staying up all night swapping stories about grief and loss, about toxic relationships and scars, about time and healing as a pot of tea boils—
Looks a little bit like a handwritten note penned in another language that says:
“Amanda, me encantó concocerte, mantén esa buena energia siempre”
Written after a ride on the back of a motorcycle on a night when the city lights looked like stars falling down from the hilltops of Medellín—
So when these old shadows come slinking across the floorboards
In this place I always ache for nourishment
I have realized that I will never find what I need here
And I know I’ve stockpiled enough sunshine and kindness and strength to get me through this temporary time

Spoken Word / First Tattoo

Sometimes I get nervous when people ask me if I believe in God

And then I think how endlessly human beings fall in love with the world

And with each other, over and over

And how my Lola always told me that you don’t have to like someone, but you do have to love them

When I said with all the hate I could store in my tiny 8-year old frame

That I hated the school bullies who pushed my friend Ilan into the dirt on the playground

And whether or not it’s God

Or the Universe

Or whatever Powers That Be

I know I have music running through my soul

Carrying the tune of every place I’ve come to call home

Echoes of melodies that have run through my veins for centuries across dynasties

From ancestral explorers following their own call into the unknown, like I’ve followed mine

This year’s symphony has been accompanied by harsh snow and crashing waves

Motes of sunlight and a firm breeze beating down on my back

Skin still healing from the new art I’ll get to wear forever

Enshrined upon my shoulder blades by another artist

Who saw my soul and my vision

And breathed new life into the sharp set of my shoulders

And gentled it with tears and starlight

Now, it’s a quiet shift before a new verse

But I anticipate the Brazilian funk, and forro, and samba music that’s travelled back with me

Nestled in the folds of my shoelaces

To eventually settle in my soul

And become another bit of the orchestra that I can choreograph a piece to

A dance no one will ever be able to replicate in its entirety

I’ve moved beyond the melancholy stanzas that echo bittersweet memories from childhood

Into a melody sweet with anticipation

Of a blessed life

A far cry from the shadows

So I think if I do believe in something

It’s that there’s always something bigger

And whether or not it’s God

Or the Universe

Or whatever Powers That Be

I’m humming new tunes laced with spiritual electricity

Spoken Word / Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman.

I am wonder.

I think about how those words scrolls up the violet screen

In the feminist art wing of the Brooklyn museum

And how my team nicknamed me #wonderwoman

Do you ever think about how

You may wake up in the exact same place on Earth that you went to sleep,

But you'll have traveled thousands of miles in space.

And it’s 3.00am and I don’t know how far I’ve traveled in this small infinitesimal speck of time.

And I know that when you reduce life to black and white you will never see the rainbows.

Who am I in this moment?

I say my name like a spell

In the hushed breath of pre-dawn light

Shift it around on my tongue

Playfully slipping from syllable to sweet syllable getting my synapses firing as I take my namesake and organize that shit alphabetically

Amanda Kelly Rosal Espiritu

Letters slip off the Notes app on my phone

It’s all gibberish, but then…

Honesty sparks 

Depression deceived me into believing that I was alone and made me bitter

And anxiety refused to let me reach out, retreating in moments

When a small voice inside me tried to say I was being silly.

I bought into the lies that started looping unexpectedly at a much higher volume,

Playing like it was the top hit on every frequency,

As if in some moments I was getting too happy,

Autoplay would choose my greatest doubts and the fattest tears
That pushed their way out ducts I try to keep shut with super glue.

Echoey ones that told me no one wanted to hear about my pain or see my tears

And would rather the wattage cranked up behind my smiles,

That they wouldn’t believe me if I told them my truths,

That they wouldn’t care,

And that the knowledge of my sadness would be an inconvenience

And not understood or welcomed.

I started to ration out when I would share the negatives,

Assuming a quest for perfect balance - the right amount to share.

Not too much because that would mean I was a hot mess

And my inner child still strives for those gold stars and going beyond perfect scores

To meet the impossible standards of family who thinks nothing is ever enough.

Nothing I do is ever enough.

I’m a black panther in a family of hamsters

More comfortable on their wheel taking up no space at all.

I try and try and try.

To be transparent and wrench a bleeding heart open just enough

To show wounds from my past I carry on my soul. And always will.
But not too much.

Just enough to show that I’ve been through battles

Come out with scar tissue stronger than unblemished areas that have not yet known pain.

To show that the war my demons fight isn’t tearing me at the edges,

Dragging me on auto pilot to almost daily worship on my knees at a porcelain throne,

A habit I thought I kicked but is something I’m simultaneously, secretly proud and ashamed of. My emotions numb as I amputate them in the aftermath that is floating down old pipes,

A massacre easily flushed away.

Leaving behind phantom limbs of worry and anger and self love I fight off when then cling to me Because they feel hollow.

But This is getting too dark. Too real.

Too near the depths of my stream of consciousness I try to wade into

But only along the shallows, ankle or calf deep.

Can’t ever reach 50% waist high because that’s a no go zone.

I remember my roots in the shallows,

The darkness in the deep, deep part of myself that is too twisted to ever see the light of day.

It would be bleached and bloated above the surface,

Ugly in a world that values sparkling, and beautiful, and perfect impermanence.

So I sigh and grin big, focus on being a Dreamer and go to battle, always to battle.

Every morning

I infuse a little more steel into my spine

Wrap myself in soft smiles and starry eyes

Diplomatic and balanced

Mantras and chants about virtues

Stock patience in my clenched palms and lodge it between my teeth

Lips glossy with lip balm

To hide all my cracks that are more prominent in winter

Like I’ve got it all together

But my friends see past the illusions

I spend hours weaving

I never had a poker face

And maybe I just don’t believe in fairies and their mystic arts as much I used to

Their mischief more malevolent in the light of adulthood I wouldn’t have chosen

If I could have stayed small

And innocent

And unblemished with scars

Self inflicted by time and carelessness

And bad intentions planted that sprouted with the sprinklings of good intentions from parents Who say “If you just lost this or did this you would be so much happier.”

All the tiny magical charms I used to stuff in my pockets and mason jars as a child

My hunts through clover patches for something more

Seem so far away and pointless

I remember I was Jealous of the four leaf my uncle found and framed for my little sister

Knowing from then on I needed to make my own luck

It would not always be handed to me

I would not let it be handed to me

I know now fortunes can change at the crack of a crumbling cookie,

A stranger too eager to get inside my walls and find their own fortunes

A scramble to be intimate and while nights away with someone I’m not invested in

Because my fortune will never be good enough for them and is so easily tossed aside

A scrap of paper and poetry to those looking for gold

But there is treasure I keep so closely guarded I’ve half forgotten where I hid it

And months go by some seasons before I recall I carry gems

My castle walls seem open, gate down across an empty moat,
Sun shining into courtyards and through windows

Beautiful until you notice how eerie and hollow it all is

The throne in the main hall made of porcelain

Because I can’t keep dinner down most nights and feel nauseated when it’s late

And I’m in a car watching the city fly by, bridges upon bridges

And I have to crack a window to feel like I can still really breathe

Like my lungs forgot how to operate

Because my brain is Elsewhere

When you ask what weather I am most like

My friends will likely respond Hurricane

As one did just last weekend

I didn’t ask why but I think it is because

Sometimes I bring

Total devastation

I am a force to be reckoned with

Uproot the old and beckon in the new

Rebuilding my foundations again and again

But there’s something about a search for perfection and fortunes and starting anew

That beckons me onward and others towards me

Charisma they call it

Maybe I still have some fairy charms left in me.

Poetry / Amongst The Flowers

Eye gazing with orchids

Is a staring contest you can’t lose

Even when you blink away

The gentle curves of each gradient

And the pollen motes floating through the air 

You’ve still absorbed a tiny universe

Into your soul

A memory of a cold blustery afternoon

Where you turned your mind off

And wandered through jungles and deserts

In the course of three hours

Pressing pause on work and play

And just letting daydreams manifest amongst flowers

You cracked open an hourglass

It’s curved reflections became jagged

Warping against floor boards

You picked up handfuls of glass and sand

Letting them run back through your fingers

Time leaving small cuts on your palms

Criss crossed life lines and branching river beds

Laugh lines streaming from your tear ducts

Minuscule grains making a home under your fingernails

Poetry / Twenty Six

There are less than 26 days till I turn 26

26 ways I could have been a better sister

A better friend

A better lover

I wasn’t ripe yet

Too scared to bloom

Afraid of getting plucked up

I’ve seen the flowers die slowly

Wilting in a pretty vase

Browning and fading

Drooping as they dry out

Bright petals wasting away on counters

And in the bottom of garbage bags

Sucking up water like their life depends on it, even thought they’re past the point of no return

But she says crack open the bud I’ve encased my heart in

Says this is the year

There are so many people who want to love me the way I need to be loved

She reminds me I’ve forgotten

Flowers can be uprooted



They make beautiful hybrids

Change into something completely new

Change landscapes with their colors

Unforgettable in their brilliant newness

Poetry / Marinate In The Melodies

I marinated in the melodies

A symphony of violins

Another world within a train

That exists with my eyes half shut

Cracked to make sure I don’t miss my stop

I skip back tracks to keep the violin soaring

To make the world stop shaking

I retreat into classical music

A genre I haven’t immersed myself in

Not in the last three years

I find this song reassuring

When the anxiety builds

A deafening whispering

I have to drown out

Poetry / She Smelled Like Rain

She smelled like rain

The ocean about to heave

Tantrum stormy skies building

Energy churning miles high

Crackling with salt


The tears fell

Washed her face

Covered it up

Smeared lines into skin

Shifting her cheekbones

And highlighting eyebrows

Till the glow of her face was

Blinding with sparkles

A neon painted smile

Over a bloody tongue

And muted screams

Every day she crunches the numbers on the scale mentally

Sometimes lets the silence stay sinister

Keeps breathing evenly

She says, “I believe in me”

Till she almost believes the words she mutters to the mirror

Poetry / Interview

Pocket good questions

And turn them inside out

On the way to an interview

Spend the week reading every

Tweet, caption, status

Backlog the last 30 days

Tilt “creepy” off center so that

“Obsessed” ensures a

"You really impressed us today!"

But really, I just want to know

What was your earliest memory

Of music, of the rain

What was the last thing

That made you smile or laugh

Before you got here today

Trudging up from the depths of trains stations

What was the last thing

That made you feel okay

Before the day ran away

Distracting you for hours

The light flickering off glass

Blue to orange to pink to indigo

Till you jerk back

Careening off center

Into a staccato of

Half finished sentences

Thoughts ending in question marks?

And an auto generated email signature

Because you've run out of time

At the bottom of the thank you note to type

Your name

Poetry / For Her, For Him

FOR HER: Falling into productivity at first sip 

Is a bit like falling in love,

It requires lavender matcha lattes

And splitting a flaky croissant

An even 70/30

Without a second thought

Because the person across from me

Is enough to sate the endless hunger

That used to keep me up at night

Whispering, “You are not enough”

FOR HIM: Today, chasing after my dreams is easy

In softly lit cafes draped in green vines

Smile and sip my way down a checklist

Calculating my productivity by cups of matcha consumed

And the 22 poems I have left to write

Sometimes he looks at me with gentle eyes

And says, “I want to be you when I grow up”

Even though he has years on me

Even though I wonder what he’s doing with me

Even though I got the bigger half of the croissant

Poetry / Moonlight

Moonlight was swelling through cracked window panes

Patiently undulating across floorboards

Sniffing around table legs

Flirting with the gap between couch and wall

Skirting around haphazardly stacked books

And two stools ensconced in full winter wardrobes

Graylight casts shadows, an ancient lunar spell work

Dark and deep, distinctly sleepy shades

The room became a colorless playground

Light and shadows dancing to the rhythm of 

A heavy quiet broken by harsh breathing

Two bodies undulating

Shrouded in shadows

Passion bright in starry eyes

Poetry / Mourning Memories

It starts with forgetting

Every night we travel through impossibilities

Live lifetimes with our eyes shut dreaming

Screaming, laughing, loving

Sometimes I wake up crying 

Abruptly conscious, I’m left grasping

Mourning memories, sharp with blocks of color

A song I can’t quite remember

A feathered kiss that kept me centered 

An endless moment where there are no expectations

Poetry / Ripple

Color ripples across the wall

Gently etching fractured sunlight in quick succession,

Lending movement to a flat space

In the stillness of your imagination your past selves wander,

Whiling away the hours in silence 

Waiting for you to wake up, they pile up

Flimsily stacked masterpieces

Rough sketches on canvas stretched too thin

Abandoned for another time

In another universe

Where you stopped and found

You were finally content

Poetry / Ever To Explore

Born too late to explore the earth,

Born too soon to explore the galaxy

Daily, we venture into Skyscraper National Park

A jungle of neon and buzzing electricity

Trodding well worn paths over discarded gum and cigarettes,

Flattened and black with heavy soles 

Most days, we’re not conquerors out for blood

Recklessly careening past horizons into the unknown

Too often, we let our dreams cool

And only seek to explore our little patch of the world

We’re captivated by new gods,

Endless data streams and smooth glass

We conduct potential expeditions with quick fingertips 

Plow through miles in milliseconds

Zooming in and out of streets and continents

Hopping around satellite composites for street views of the Taj Mahal

And silently promising ourselves, “One day.”

Even though we’ll no longer be the first

Or even close to the first

Why do we always have to be first

Poetry / Puddle Jumping

We’re standing in a puddle

Faces tilted upwards

Wet snow isn’t graceful as it plops down

Melting across the sharp ridge of his nose

And sliding down my cheekbones

Slinking past our hoods as we watch the wind

A mesmerizing cyclone of ice coaxed into a spiral

Rising, rising, rising with purpose

We don’t speak 

He’s been trying to be better about listening

Striving to hear what I’m not saying

The silence is enormous 

But I’m filling it with poetry

Poetry / After

She’s quietly determined in her sincerity

Tells me she still daydreams of bombs when it’s quiet

Glancing out the nearby window her soft gaze turns inward 

Searching for sparrows and cherry blossoms

Amongst muddied puddles and cracked pavement

Bursting with anxious roots scrabbling for new earth

She gathers the corners of herself

And polishes away the sharp edges till she’s smooth and round

Unblemished mercury, she slides her hand into mine

Lays her head softly on my shoulder

Reflecting back what she thinks I want to see

But I know the heavy weight of mercury, its every metallic shade 

The sluggish track of its orbit, 58+ days crammed into one

That never seems like it will end

I’ve cradled the darkness between the stars in my palms

And have run inky fingers through tear tracks I didn’t feel fall

After a blitz attack, after a supernova, after heartbreak 

I’ll stay close so she can find me when she’s ready

Poetry / Deep Into Brooklyn

Sometimes dreams, lucid between memories slip through into the real world

Making you further question your sanity

Seamlessly melding with reality

Where bullets rain faster than smiles

And fake concern stretches around the syllables of newscasters’ grins

The train tilts along a sharp curve—

And I forget what I’ve been considering so closely,

Music blasts through plastic coated wires

And I people watch

As we speed by underground

Time illuminated in red, close to midnight

We’re stumbling as we’re rumbling along tracks

We hastily patch as they fall to pieces weekend over weekend

And we’re still impatient

So here we are, glitching out as train after train speeds by

I stand with feet planted on a train filled with people

Each with their own stories and challenges

Ones that will carry from this night to this new morning

And can’t be shrugged off as April Fools jokes

Making their way home, or making their way to something

As I am

A family of four sits down in a row on the train at 12.00am

Heading deeper into Brooklyn, a mother and two daughters,

One with her mother’s hairstyle

And the other rocking a mini version of her mother’s pink pants

A child sits in a stroller with a thin clear plastic covering draped over him

Small hands pressing against plastic

Eyes wide and very awake

His family throws bang snaps at each other and the floor

Mini fireworks popping as they make contact

The entire train car tries to brace for each pop, but jerks minutely every time one goes off

Here is childish glee they grit their teeth against

Perhaps it’s too much happiness they haven’t been invited into, in too small a space

Perhaps it’s too late, or too early for them

A man in a silver puffy jacket patches the cotton material

Back into the lining of his coat with clear packaging tape

Methodically ripping pieces which sharp white teeth

I’m happy to see him mending the sleeve

Instead of chucking the entire jacket aside as impossible to fix, as most people do

Thinking it’s too much effort

When they can more easily trek to the nearest Uniqlo

Grabbing up another jacket as quickly as they can swipe their credit card

A temporary session of retail therapy

It’s 12.05am

And the doors slide open

Some of us jump off

Dancing into whatever adventures the morning may hold