In January 2018, John Lifrieri introduced Amanda Kelly Espiritu to Dylan Gambardella and Justin Lafazan, the Founders of Next Gen HQ. Amanda loved the premise of the Next Gen community and what the NGHQ team was building. The online community has grown organically primarily via the community Facebook Group and in-person and virtual conferences and summits. NGHQ actively empower the world’s greatest entrepreneurs to overcome obstacles and chase their dreams. The community is intended to unite talented entrepreneurs in ALL fields and bring them together to connect, collaborate, and inspire one another.
In June 2018, Amanda attended Next Gen Summit in NY and after collaborating and connecting with Next Gen’ers online, it felt like a massive reunion. The seeds of her debut book would be planted as she listened to Keynote Speaker Eric Koester encourage attendees to make their own credentials. Later that summer in July 2018, Amanda brought two of her favorite, top NY entrepreneurial communities together: Next Gen Summit and Personal Development Nerds (PDN) teamed up for an NYC meetup at Slice HQ featuring a panel, networking, and all the pizza they could eat.
In July 2020, Amanda was nominated as 1 of 16 Entrepreneurs to Watch in Next Gen HQ’s premium print magazine Momentum Magazine. The magazine is a highly curated content source that launched to further serve, energize, and invigorate entrepreneurs across the globe. The magazine features exclusive stories, insights, and tips from business leaders and top-notch entrepreneurs.
Over the last few years, Amanda has collaborated with numerous Next Gen members, swapping knowledge and offering advice on everything from event production, art, and writing, to social media management, marketing and community building. She’s grateful the NGHQ team has always been unconditionally supportive of all her accomplishments as a creative and social entrepreneur.
Amanda has also been a guest on several podcasts run by fellow Next Gen members including:
Anthony D’Apollito III’s podcast Dream BIG Daily
Brian Ondrako’s podcast Just Get Started